Lets be really clear for a minute… There is a big difference between the needs of a heating and air conditioning customer and what a homer services customer wants. HVAC customers have a keen desire to be cool in the Summer and warm in the Winter and when they are looking for this sort of comfort it’s because they don’t have it. In fact in many cases they want to talk to the first person there to solve the issue. This is not true with Home Services and that is what we love about it.
The need for Home Services typically comes down to want as opposed to need. Someone wants new windows, better insulation, lower utility bills or more insulation but they don’t really need these things… At least not right now. They have the luxury of waiting until the time is right to do the job and many wait almost forever because the people who show up to look at the job aren’t people you really want to work with. When Top Rank decided to enter the Modesto market we were quite strategic about it. We have know Shawn King for a lot of years and we know who he is and the quality of work he delivers. This quality of work is delivered time and time again.
We know other HVAC companies that have tried to enter this market in the past with tragic results. They wanted to use nothing but subcontractors that were the lowest bidders and then hope for the best. Hoping for the best with your home is NOT a workable plan. Now, in a effort toward full disclosure i will tell you that we use sub-contractors when it is in YOUR best interest. For example, we had some entry tile for a family recently and the Tile Contractor was a 30 year veteran of tile and the result was better than the customer was hoping for and when we were asked where we found them the answer was our rolodex. We have worked with him for over 15 years and he was a referral from a trusted source.
We know your needs are different and we stand ready to get your job done on time, on budget and with a minimum of disruption. I am Natalie Goff and I am the President of Top Rank HVAC and my Division Manager is Shawn King. You can reach me at 916-667-3399 and you can reach Shawn at 205-251-7474 or simply look us up at www.toprankHVAC.com