What a dramatic difference from 2 weeks ago. When the needle hits 107 it means “in case of emergency break glass!” Anything over 100 degrees means the goal of the Top Rank Technician is to get your home cool and then get to the next home cool. This is like going to the Emergency Room. The ER Physician stops the bleeding and the next Physician can work on the healing. We love 87 degree days because we like fixing the root cause of the …problem. What caused the failure, what was the result, what needs to be done to correct the problem. This is when you talk with our Founder Jeremy or one of the other Comfort Advisors. While the temperature has lowered for at least a little while call us at 916-667-3399 or 209-254-7171 so we can fix the actual problem and even get you rebates and even tax credits. The sun is shining and everyone with a Top Rank Solar System is smiling!