When someone is ready to sell their home they have almost frenetic activity. They paint, clean, throw stuff away, organize and reduce clutter all in an effort to get the potential buyer to see their home in the best possible light. We are guilty of this and we have even seen people who decided against selling when they saw what the home they were living in could look like with some work. The same goes with people who upgrade their home voluntarily before deciding to sell (There is a move afoot to make home energy upgrades mandatory before selling!).
We advise people to take care of the Home Upgrade today, reap the substantial benefits and when you are ready to sell there isn’t any additional work to do. The other HUGE win is the you are the one that enjoys the increased comfort and decreased bills every month from the time the upgrades are completed to the date of the sale. You are the one to enjoy things like better indoor air quality, cooler living without air conditioning in the summer, warmer living without additional heat in the winter time, a quieter home if you installed new windows and even temperatures from room to room. All this and you may qualify for rebates and tax credits that go directly into your pocket!
Another aspect of this that many people are overlooking is that many of the rebates and tax credit programs are expiring and some of the rebates have already been lowered. This means less bang for your buck and an upgrade that was close to making sense might not be close any longer. This is not good and will impact your bottom line. Also, once the city you live in decides to make these upgrades mandatory you may miss out on all of the rebates. It has been suggested to us that once they make them mandatory they will remove incentives because when they are mandatory you will do them with or without help.
Get on the train today! Contact Top Rank Home Services in Modesto or Elk Grove and we will do the rest including the rebate paperwork! In the Modesto area you can call 209-251-7474 and in the Elk Grove area you can call 916-677-3399 and we will just do the rest. You can also reach us at www.toprankhvac.com